Jeremiah @ VitalFrog

VitalFrog is a B2B SAAS company that helps businesses monitor their website's major web performance metrics. I worked here from January to September 2022, and here are the impactful blog articles and results I generated for VitalFrog.

Early Hint || The 103 Status Code and How to Implement It.

Brotli VS GZIP || Which Of These Will Make Your Website Faster?

AV1 Image Format – Find out why you need AVIF to improve your website speed.

Core Web Vitals: The 3 Web Vitals Affecting Your Website Rankings.

How To Improve Your Core Web Vitals – A Complete Optimisation Process || VitalFrog.

Results I Generated @ VitalFrog

Traffic Report Before I Joined:

Traffic report when I was leaving:

Traffic source before I joined:

Traffic source when I was leaving: